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Enter your track number.

Date Country Address Status
25/11/22 01:25 SGSIND Item delivered
24/11/22 23:07 Singapore Departure to distribution network
24/11/22 11:37 Singapore Arrival from abroad
17/11/22 21:18 Belgium Departure to country of destination
17/11/22 13:30 Received at international processing center
17/11/22 13:30 Machelen Crossing border and in transit to carrier hub
17/11/22 13:29 Machelen Transmitted customs information
17/11/22 13:28 Machelen Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (ILPOST 8 171122 S)
17/11/22 12:48 Machelen Scanned at Landmark crossdock facility
17/11/22 12:45 Machelen Processed
11/11/22 13:04 ES In transit
10/11/22 05:19 Dormagen Shipment Data Uploaded