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Shopogolic guide

Shopogolic GuideWelcome to our website. You will find detailed information on how to use Shopogolic service here. Please select the desired section to proceed.

REGISTRATION - In this section we explain in detail how to register on our service and confirm your account. 

CREATE PURCHASE ORDER - If you can't purchase the order yourself, we can do it for you. Please read the information on how to process this type of order. 

USE VIRTUAL ADDRESS - You have purchased the goods yourself, but you need a virtual address to ship them. Please see this section for more details on how to do this. 

HOW TO SEND ORDERS - Your orders are already in our warehouse and now you want to ship them to your address. Find out how to do it step by step in this section. 

SERVICES - Do you need to split an order or get additional photos? All information about how to work with our value added services can be found here.