If you plan to purchase items on your own, but the shop does not deliver to your country, you can use the Shopogolic virtual address. After verifying your account, you will have access to shopping addresses in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Kazakhstan, and Turkiye. Every order you send to us is assigned with your unique customer number.
Ship Single Order: Choose this option if you would like to send your order without any additional services or combining it with other orders. As soon as we receive it, it will be automatically packed and shipped to your address.
To use a virtual address for shopping, follow these steps:
Forwarding orders are prefixed with an MF code to help you quickly identify your order when preparing your package for shipment. Once we receive and process your order at our location, usually within 24 working hours, we will update the status.
The Main Statuses of the MF Orders: