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Purchase orders


Purchase order

A purchase order is a service provided by Shopogolic, where we purchase items on your behalf if your card is not accepted or for other reasons.

This is a paid service, the cost can be found on our prices page.

To create a purchase order, log in to your account page and navigate to the ORDERS section. Select the option to create an order and the country from which you wish to make a purchase. Fill out the required details for the items you want to purchase and submit the order and pay for it. Our team will review and process your request promptly, ensuring your items are purchased and delivered efficiently.

Ship Single Order: Choose this option if you would like to send your order without any additional services or combining it with other orders. As soon as we receive it, it will be automatically packed and shipped to your address.

  • Order Name: Enter a name for the order (visible only to you)
  • Item Link: Provide the link to the item in the shop or auction.
  • Product Name: Copy the product name. For auction items, include the last digits of the item description string in your browser.
  • Colour and Size: Specify the colour and size of the item.
  • Price per Item: Enter the price per item (GBP for UK, EUR for Europe).
  • Quantity: Indicate the quantity of the items.
  • Shipping Costs: Enter the cost of shipping from the seller to our warehouse (check with the shop where you are ordering)
  • Comments: Add any comments, such as discount coupons or special instructions for redemption.

Orders updates

You can edit your order before payment. All purchase orders are prefixed with an OR (order) code to help you quickly identify your order when preparing your package for shipment. Once you have entered all the information about the goods, you can proceed to payment. Our team will promptly purchase the items for you. If necessary, a manager will contact you to clarify any details.

When working on your order, we will provide updates at every step: when we start processing it, when we receive it, and as we complete each stage.

The Main Statuses of the Orders:

  • Paid: The order has been paid for and will be purchased soon.
  • Pending: You need to check the details of your order and contact support.
  • Completed: Your order has been purchased and will be delivered to our warehouse shortly.
  • Received: Your order is now in stock, and you can place it for shipment.
  • Cancelled: The order is cancelled for a reason